Russell at la Fête des voisins!

Russell at la Fête des voisins!

Enjoy summer in Montpellier AND practice French conversation, this was Russell’s goal when he contacted me a few weeks ago from the USA!

We planned a videocall before his trip to France (of course, it is free!) to talk about his level in French and also what he wanted to do.

Saturday, June 8th, we went to meet the people living in La Paillade, a working-class area in Montpellier west and Russell was happy because it reminded him the neighbourhood where he grew up, Harlem.

As you can see in the video, Russell had to deal with the noise around but also with people talking fast (and sometimes even with an accent!), children with low voice, etc. At the end of the day, he did pretty well! 👏

The secret to speak French is… To speak French! Take any opportunity, even the smallest, to go to people, make mistakes and learn from them

Practice for real is the key to progress!

Check out local TV channel Kaina TV for reports in French and feel free to watch here the full report of this Fête des voisins.

🌴 Feel free to contact me if you plan a sunny trip in Montpellier 😎🌴

📨 French course quote

Workliday in Montpellier?

Workliday in Montpellier?

Only a small school like École Bonjour France can be flexible to fit your requirements whether you want to work on reading, listening or speaking… And of course according to y-o-u-r availability!

A few weeks ago, Agata contacted me from Germany because she was planning a trip here and was looking for a French school in Montpellier.

👏 Bravo: this is what you call in French “mêler l’utile à l’agréable” or “faire d’une pierre deux coups” (kill two birds with one stone)

When we talked on the phone, I immediately realized that her French was veeeeery good 👏! Also, she said that one of her hobbies was lindy hop and “ce n’est pas tombé dans l’oreille d’une sourde” 😁 (it hasn’t fallen on deaf ears).

Indeed, learning is easier when you are motivated so since I am able to prepare every type of content, I created a tailor-made program for Agata:

debates: expressing pros and cons is a must-do when you have reached a high level in French
talking about French events, general knowledge and social issues with a focus on dance topic, her passion

Et voilà ! We did that program last week and I would like to share here an interesting question Agata had:


Ok so first let’s find out real examples…

L’Open Sud de France se déroule à Montpellier du 30 janvier au 4 février
Le Parisien, 30/01/2024

La huitième bourse aux vélos se déroule à Montpellier les 4 et 5
Midi Libre, 16/04/2024

Le plus grand skatepark d’Europe se trouve à Montpellier
Le Bonbon, 31/01/2024

Cycles SH a déménagé : où se trouve à présent le spécialiste du vélo électrique ?, 30/04/2024


📣 Conclusion

🌴 Feel free to contact me if you plan a sunny trip in Montpellier 😎🌴

📨 French course quote

Enjoy your holiday and remember that you can turn it into a list of real challenges to progress in French!