80th Liberation of Montpellier
Montpellier is celebrating this weekend the Libération after 2WW (see news report).

One of the most prominent figures of this time is named Pierre Colin, Air force officer. As a résistant, he was in charge of the local Secret Army.
I discovered his story this summer because I am always curious about local history.
His grandson was able to document his life under nazi occupation and the result is a very interesting and must-read book you will find at Médiathèque Émile Zola!
In his last words to his loved ones, Pierre Colin wrote:
« Qu’il soit pardonné à nos ennemis et que nos enfants ne soient pas élevés dans la haine »
Meaning « may our ennemies be forgiven and our children preserved from hating them ».
(“être” is conjugated with subjonctif présent to express a wish, a prayer)
Salute to Pierre Colin, a patriot who defended his country and did everything he could to free it from armed invaders!

Find more about summer 1944 in Montpellier