Savoir versus connaître

Savoir versus connaître

First, you need to know that “savoir” and “connaître” belong to the third group of French verbs, the irregular one. Also you can write “connaître” without the accent on the “i”: “connaitre” (it doesn’t change the pronunciation).

Now, do you know that it is veeeery difficult for a native to explain the difference of meaning between these two verbs? 🤯

Recently, with Judith from Syria, we talked about two arabic verbs for “apprendre” and “connaître” and it helped me a little bit:

يعرف to know / يتعلم to learn

When you know something, you stop and you realize you are aware at this very moment about something or someone. But when you learn something, you are in a dynamic process. OK, but…

⚠️The problem in French is that you have two verbs for to know: “savoir” and connaître”⚠️

First let’s take real examples and see if it is possible to replace “savoir” by “connaître” and vice-versa

"3 choses à savoir sur Nika Abuladze"
Midi Libre, 12/07/2024
"Des parents d'élèves veulent savoir pourquoi leurs enfants ont été sanctionnés"
France 3 Occitanie, 15/07/2024
"Tout savoir sur le tunnel de la Comédie transformé en "galerie cyclable" à l'automne 2025 à Montpellier"
Midi Libre, 18/07/2024
"Un Montpelliérain se rend à vélo à Grenoble pour faire connaître le jeu de Vélocité"
Midi Libre, 19/03/2024
"Lenni Nouchi va connaître sa première titularisation contre l'Argentine"
Midi Libre, 05/07/2024
"Après Montpellier, le pilier droit anglais va connaître un nouveau club"
L’Équipe, 19/07/2024

Now let’s check the definition of these verbs on the Dictionnaire de l’Académie française

Connaître = avoir l’idée, la notion d’une personne ou d’une chose (source). Also, “la connaissance” (knowledge) is considered as a dynamic and constant process.

Savoir = avoir un fait, une information, etc. présents à l’esprit, en être instruit ; avoir acquis la maîtrise de quelque chose par l’étude, la pratique, l’usage (source). And “le savoir” (also knowledge in English!) can both be used for an overview at a given moment and to explain the fact that it can grow and be structured in time

Now with all this information, are we more advanced compared to the beginning? It seems not…

The only advice I can give – and apply to myself as a native! – is to keep being exposed to real examples from as many contexts as possible. It really helps catch the subtle difference of meaning between close words as “savoir” and “connaître”.

Things are not always like they seem to be at first sight but it is okay to accept that.

Learning a language is a journey full of uncertainties, delays, slip-ups and misunderstadings but it’s also a unique opportunity to open new doors everyday for our mind and explore!

🌴 Feel free to contact me if you plan a sunny trip in Montpellier 😎🌴

📨 French course quote

5 French Weird Expressions

5 French Weird Expressions


1) emprunter les wc

= someone asks you permission to use the restroom

Est-ce que je peux vous emprunter vos toilettes, s’il vous plaît ?

borrow = emprunter

Imagine a situation where you make a delivery at a company, they don’t expect you to stay for more than that but you need to go to the restroom. You can definitely use this sentence to ask permission!

PS: the extreme politeness of this request makes it really hard to get you a “no”


2) vous appeler quelqu’un 

= call someone for you

Ne bougez pas, je vous appelle mon collègue.

Don’t move, I call you “my coworker”

Imagine someone comes to you and you realize you can’t answer his questions but someone else in your team can so by using this sentence, you ask him to wait and you go call your coworker.

3) mettre quelqu’un bien

= do eveything you can to help someone feel comfortable and enjoy

Fais-moi confiance, je vais te mettre bien !

Imagine a friend is having a bad day so you decide to plan something special for him / her. Using that sentence means that he / she can leave everything to you.

4) remettre le bonjour 

= say hello to someone for someone else 

Vous remettrez le bonjour à votre femme !

Imagine you meet someone you haven’t met in a while (maybe you used to be neighbours for example)…

You talk about family, news, etc. and at the end, you ask him to say hello to his wife for you. It will be considered as small kindness.

PS: remember that if someone uses this sentence, you will probably hear “vous r’mettrez l’bonjour à vot’ femme”

5) être au taquet

= be at the limit of brackets (something that helps holding a door or a shelf)

Il est au taquet, lui ! Ça se voit qu’il veut réussir.

Imagine someone who is really motivated and does whatever it takes to succeed!

People around can say this as a compliment but depending on the context, it can also sound ironic or even mocking as an attempt to hide one’s jealousy…

Are there such weird expressions in your language? Share with us below!

“Sentir” vs “ressentir”: big headache to make the difference

“Sentir” vs “ressentir”: big headache to make the difference

The other day, during a session with Iva, one of my students, we happened to talk about two french verbs with very close meaning: “sentir” and “ressentir”. Iva asked me the difference between them and I was like…

So I told to myself: “why not write an article about it?

Not only these two look alike when you write them but their meaning is very close! As French natives, we just k-n-o-w when to use one rather than the other

Let’s talk first about the writing. As you can see, there is this “re” in “ressentir” which is the only visual difference. Most of the time, this prefix means that we emphasize on something which will be repeated or a return on a first action.


commencer (start) ; recommencer (do again)

partir (leave) ; repartir (go back, set off again)

BUT here it is not the case with “ressentir” so be careful…


These are the most common meanings of “sentir” nowadays (sources: CNRTL & Littré):

1) Percevoir (perceive)

  • with the sense of smell

example: “ça sent les crêpes !” it smells crepes!

sentir bon = smell good

  • with other senses (taste, touch)

Examples: “je sens le goût du citron dans la salade” I can feel lemon in the salad

“ils sentent le vent dans leurs cheveux”  They can feel the wind in their hair

  • with intuition

Example: “il sentait que sa mort était proche” He knew his death was coming

Extract of a poem by Guy de Maupassant, “Terreur” (Terror)

Ce soir-là j’avais lu fort longtemps quelque auteur.
Il était bien minuit, et tout à coup j’eus peur.
Peur de quoi ? je ne sais, mais une peur horrible.
Je compris, haletant et frissonnant d’effroi,
Qu’il allait se passer une chose terrible…
[Alors il me sembla sentir derrière moi
Quelqu’un qui se tenait debout]*, dont la figure
Riait d’un rire atroce, immobile et nerveux (...)

*Suddenly I felt like there was someone standing behind me

2) Avoir la sensation de (feel)

Se sentir + adjectif

“Je me sens toujours jeune” I still feel young

“Il se sent vraiment fatigué” It feels really tired

3) Faire comprendre (make something more or less clear)

Faire sentir quelque chose

“Tu lui as fait sentir qu’elle n’était plus la bienvenue” You made it clear for her that she was not welcome anymore

➨ here you can replace “sentir” by “ressentir”: “Tu lui as fait ressentir qu’elle n’était plus la bienvenue”

4) Other meanings in frequent idiomatic expressions

  • supporter (tolerate) : “je ne peux plus les sentir” I can’t stand them anymore

⚠ “ne pas / plus sentir quelqu’un” is only used with negative

  • se faire des illusions sur soi-même (delude yourself like to be full of yourself) : “Tout à coup, tu t’es senti pousser des ailes !” Suddenly, you felt ten feet tall!
  • s’attendre à un résultat (see something coming)

“Ça sent…”

“Ça sent le vécu !” It has a ring of truth about it

“Ça sent l’arnaque, cette histoire !” It looks like a scam to me

“Ça ne sent pas bon, ne fais pas ça !” It doesn’t look good, don’t you do it! (= it’s not a good idea)


These are the most common meanings of “ressentir” nowadays (sources: CNRTL & Littré):

1) Sentir ou éprouver un sentiment profond et / ou dont on se sent conscient (feel something deep and / or you are aware of)

“Je ressens de la colère quand j’entends ce qui se passe là-bas” I feel angry when I hear what happens there

“Elles ressentent tout le bien-être de la thalassothérapie” They experience the feeling of well-being of the thalassotherapy

➨ here you can replace “ressentir” by “sentir”: “je sens de la colère quand j’entends ce qui se passe là-bas” ; “elles sentent tout le bien-être de la thalassothérapie”

Le plus grand plaisir qu'un honnête homme puisse ressentir est celui de faire plaisir à ses amis.”  
The greatest pleasure of an honorable man is to please his friends 
Voltaire, Les pensées philosophiques (1862)  

2) Aimer (love) ❤

“Dis-lui ce que tu ressens pour elle !” Tell her how you feel about her!

3) Percevoir un sentiment chez une personne (feel something in someone’s talk or in something)

“On ressent le regret dans tes paroles” Anyone can feel the regret when you talk

➨ here you can replace “ressentir” by “sentir”: “on sent le regret dans tes paroles”

“ça se ressent…”

“Ça se ressent dans ta façon d’en parler, que tu es à bout !” (fam.)

➨ here you can replace “ressentir” by “sentir”: “ça se sent dans ta façon de parler, que tu es à bout !” (fam.)

4) Éprouver une impression en raison d’une cause extérieure (feel something from an external cause)

avoir un ressenti sur quelque chose (sense something)

“J’ai eu un très bon ressenti pendant mon entretien avec le DRH” I had a very good feeling during the job interview with the HR Manager

Are there such big headaches in your language? Share with us below!